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Monument to Matthew Veit

Matas Veitas (1870–1937) is the first veterinarian of Telšiai county, the pioneer of veterinary medicine in Lithuania. He also taught at the Telšiai Boys 'Gymnasium and the Girls' Progymnasium, teaching children the Lithuanian language and teaching natural sciences.

Mr. Whit was an extraordinary veterinarian who not only treated the animals but also taught the farmers how to care for them and how to farm. This was very relevant in Lithuania at that time. However, today, looking back, we first appreciate Mata Veitas as a Lithuanian Lithuania that created Lithuanian society in difficult historical conditions at that time. He began writing in the Lithuanian press, which was banned at the time, in 1891, while still studying in the gymnasium. He not only wrote, but also secretly distributed and collaborated with the enlightened Lithuanians of that time. 1906 M. Veitas in Telšiai gets the job of Telšiai county veterinarian. His period in Telšiai seems to have been very productive: in addition to his main job and teaching (he worked as a Lithuanian language teacher, taught science), he participated in the activities of the Lithuanian Science Society, gave lectures on veterinary issues in various places, answered farmers' questions and wrote many articles.

The street named after M. Veitas in Telšiai (Mato Veitas aklg.)

